


Anne Bevan - sculpture

Janice Galloway - text

Michael Wolchover - images

Undercover was the result of research into hidden water systems and underground spaces associated with the Edinburgh water supply. Working with the local water authority, East of Scotland Water, I was able to gain access to many aspects of the water supply from source to outlet, and in particular to the pipes and tunnels of the reservoirs and treatment works.

The installation included cast sculptures, video projection, sound and photography. The floor of the gallery was covered with a layer of concrete into which was set covers & speakers.

The project involved collaborating with writer Janice Galloway, with videographer/photographer Michael Wolchover and with composer Pete Stollery.

Pipelines - with Janice Galloway; published by the Fruitmarket Gallery (2000)
Colour hardback book with essay by Brian Hand
ISBN 0 947912 77 0

Photography: Michael Wolchover / Anne Bevan

(Anne Bevan)




Aug - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh

Sep - Poland